8 February 2008  |  Misc

Easy Day Today

Yesterday’s ride was pretty brutal, so instead of battling the wind today Ben and I went for a run on Blue Sky. There was still quite a bit of snow, but it’s going fast — I’ll be back on the MTB before too long. Blue Sky is such a great trail — it just makes you want to go fast!

This weekend will be a hard 3 day brick, so I am taking it pretty easy today. Maybe I will make some muffins or some delicious Indian food. I’ve been trying to cook a bunch of food on my easy days so that I have plenty of leftovers to eat on my hard days.

In other news… Dusty has been building a boat so that has kept him pretty busy. Tomorrow he is going to Denver to take his motorcycle driving test — I can’t wait to see what he has to say about that… especially after watching him argue with the lady in the DMV about the 3 questions he got wrong on the written test. Should be entertaining…


Do you have a question you're dying to have answered about racing, training or food and cooking? Send it to me and I'll try to answer it on my blog.