19 February 2008  |  Misc

Maxed Out

No, I’m not referring to my ride today (although Dusty and Ben took turns making me suffer), I am referring to the book I am reading. It is called “Maxed Out” and it is written by James Scurlock. It a really interesting look at debt and credit in our country today. The guy who wrote it also made a documentary which I haven’t seen yet, but I’m sure it is as good as the book. “Credit?” you ask, “that sounds like boring subject matter for a book.” It would actually be less disturbing if it were a little more boring. But, it is what it is, and there are some pretty appalling statistics and stories in it that make you want to go and join a commune and live off the land, paying for goods and services with things like potatoes and…twine…or something.


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