Posts filed under “Gardening”


Baby lettuces


11 June 2010  |  Gardening

House and Garden

This year, I’ve been able to spend a lot more time on my gardens (flower and vegetable) and things are slowly coming together. As you can see, my potatoes are going nuts!  I…  |  READ »


8 April 2010  |  Gardening


This year, I started my garden a little earlier (hopefully the 1/2 inch of snow we got the other day didn’t do any damage…). Last year, a lot of my vegetables were kind…  |  READ »


17 May 2009  |  Gardening


Well, spring is in full swing and most of my daffodils and tulips have come and gone.  The flax and the small lilac in our front yard are blooming now and everything looks…  |  READ »


11 May 2009  |  Gardening, Recipes

The Garden!

I’ve always wanted a vegetable garden, but with the amount that Dusty and I travel it never seemed very practical.  Until now.  I decided there was no reason I couldn’t plant a garden…  |  READ »